Dedicate time that is just for you.

  • Stretch & Fold

    Amsterdam Noord, Tuesday evening

    19.00 Healing Yoga

    20.30 Nourishing Acupressure Yin

    Booked via Classpass, Onefit or Stretch & Fold studio.

  • Bluebirds Yoga Studio

    Every Sunday afternoon

    16.30 Relax Flow

    18.00 Yin & Mindfulnes

    Booked via Classpass, Onefit or Bluebirds Yoga Studio.

  • Radiant Rest

    A monthly special class at all Movements locations;

    Vondel, City & Haarlem

    90 minutes to dedicate to your rest

    Cacoon in a warm room to hum, tap, massage acupressure points, explore restorative yin poses and be guided in meditation.

    Booked via Classpass, Onefit or Movements Yoga studio.

Rest & Digest

A monthly pop up special class.

A special pop up workshop to nourish your nervous system.

In this monthly pop up workshop we will take 2 delicious hours to explore tools to regulate your nervous system. Expect to leave feeling balanced and at ease, with new tools to take into your daily routine. Tickets can be found on Hipsy.