Nourished by…

Available treatments to nourish yourself with.

We only have one body, one home, which carries us throughout our lives.

Take care of it.


  • Using small sterile needles to activate specific acupuncture points, energy centres, to stimulate the bodies natural ability to self heal.

    The specific acupuncture points influence energy flows, organ functions, emotions and muscle tissues in order to address the body's self-healing capacity. Acupuncture therefore helps restore the automatic functions of the body and the well-being of the person. An acupuncture point can therefore be seen as a critical area where information comes together and information can be influenced by the insertion of needles.

    The needles are inserted and you are invited into a deep state of rest for 25-30 minutes while your body receives this deeply healing and personalised treatment.

  • Intake appointment, 90 euros

    Follow up appointments, 70 euros

    Ear Acupuncture, 50 euros

Cupping & Massage

  • Cupping is an ancient technique that uses glass or plastic cups to remove toxins from the body and clear stagnation. The cups are placed on the skin, mostly on the back, and uses a vacuum technique to draw blood to the selected area. This works on the muscles and muscle tissues. Supporting the circulation of blood, improves stagnation, stiffness and inflammation.

    Cupping is used commonly used for treating pain, supporting your immune system, improving blood circulation, and for relaxation. Clients have used cupping for:

    Injuries, for example of the back or shoulder

    Detoxifying your body, clearing out colds and external pathogens.

    Clearing out colds and external pathogens from the body.


    Clearing headaches or migraines.


    It’s also possible to combine cupping with a relaxation massage.

    Please note: the treatment can cause bruising of the skin. This can last for a few days to a week. These areas of bruising will likely feel sensitive or sore in the days following. It is advised to keep the area covered and warm for the days following treatment.

  • 30 minutes cupping, 50 euros

    60 minutes cupping, 70 euros

    Cupping & relaxation massage, 120 euros

    Acupuncture & Cupping, 90 euros


  • Working together we will assess your needs and make a personalised plan. In her teaching Lydia has a special interest in the nervous system and the digestive system (these are both very interconnected). Working with acupressure points, breathing exercises, mindful embodied movement balanced with restorative and yin poses. Lydia will guide you, but most importantly, will teach you tools and exercises that you can start to integrate into your daily life. So you can take yoga off the mat and into your way of being.

    It’s also possible to combine a private yoga class with ear acupuncture, body acupuncture, cupping, gua sha or relaxation massage.

  • One hour, 70 euros

    For combining a yoga session with ear or body acupuncture please enquire via email for more details.

Treatments, Intake & Pricing

Treatment Flow

Intake appointment

This is a discussion of the intake form and your medical and family health history. We’ll discuss the nature of your main complaint in detail and you will receive a treatment.

An intake appointment is usually 75-90 minutes.

Treatment Session

This begins with a discussion of the immediate health problem, pulse, tongue and abdominal diagnosis followed by treatment. It is concluded with lifestyle & diet recommendations (if appropriate) and a suggestion for follow up treatment.

A treatment usually lasts an hour.

Book a Nourished Treatment

Nourished By uses a holistic approach to bring your body back to balance.